Are You Setting Yourself Up for an Ant Infestation at Home?

Ant Infestation

Ants are the most common household pests in the eastern United States. Spotting ants in and around your home may sometimes be a source of embarrassment. Generally speaking, ants are often drawn inside of a home because it is not well kept -- especially in the kitchen or dining areas. Nevertheless, even the most spotless of homes can have an ant infestation.

Triangle Pest Control proudly offers ant pest control that will help eliminate these kind of pests.

Two Reasons for Ant Infestations

Generally there are two reasons why you might have an ant problem.

One of the biggest reasons is the weather. During heavy rain or intense heat and drought, ants look for relief inside. A house that is cool in the summer and warm in the winter is the perfect home for ants. Add to that the fact that food is often left out on counters and in bowls, and you have ideal living conditions for ants.

The other reason for an ant infestation is a nest in your yard.

The only sure way of getting rid of ants is to destroy the colony and the queen. Unfortunately colonies are large, often hidden or underground and difficult to locate. Simply spraying the surface of the mound will not eliminate the problem. The pesticide may only affect the upper chambers of the ant tunnels, causing the ants to move deeper, but not getting rid of ants.

Learn more about ants in North Carolina!

North Carolina is Home to a Number of Different Ants

The odorous house ant can be more of a nuisance than anything else. They nest just about anywhere there is water, including under flower pots and pet dishes, and in appliances. They are difficult to eliminate because they have multiple colonies and multiple queens.

The carpenter ant tunnels through wood. Unlike termites, there is no sawdust or debris left behind. However the potential structural damage to your home can be just as severe if the colony is left unchecked.

Fire ants live in colonies that are nearby to open areas, such as lawns and fields. Fire ants are territorial and attack in groups by biting and injecting venom into their victim. Fire ants bite and then sting. Small animals and curious children who poke at the mound are at risk of being attacked by fire ants as are adults who inadvertently aggravate the fire ants by mowing over the mound.

Identifying the type of ant infestation is the first step; Removing the source of the problem is the second. Nesting places vary widely by the species of ant. House ants often will nest in fireplaces and wall cavities.  You may find pharaoh ant nests in sheets and clothes. Some ants like the carpenter ant and the Argentine ant prefer to build their nests outside where there are plenty of trees. If the weather is bad, almost any kind of ant will build a nest under a house.

Why Call a Professional Pest Control Specialist?

Identifying the species of ant and locating the colony requires training, skill and experience. For this reason, a professional yard pest control company is the safest, most cost effective solution.

A good professional pest control specialist knows the safest and most effective treatment for getting rid of ants. Pest control specialists often have special tools, chemicals and techniques to use for getting rid of ants. Look for a pest control specialist who will prepare a pesticide control plan and monitor your home to ensure that the infestation is eliminated. Finally a professional pest control company will guarantee results. This is especially important with pests like odorous house ants where you may have multiple colonies quickly forming and fire ants which can be extremely dangerous.

Enjoy your yard and keep your family and pets safe this summer. Download our free guide for homeowners by clicking on the image below.

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